powers our performance.

Why not let it power yours?

KPMG technology professionals leverage existing technology while also exploring the opportunities presented by Big Data, cloud-computing, mobile devices, and emerging trends. We employ a large team of talented IT specialists across several technology-focused career areas. Do you have the talent, skills, and experience to join them?


Our Cyber Security practice helps clients effectively manage and control corporate information assets across a broad spectrum of evolving threats and scenarios. We help companies identify their most important information assets and work with them to develop an effective approach to combining technology and business processes. We work with clients to help enhance the value that can be obtained from their data while protecting key business processes, information assets, and the company’s brand and reputation.

Check out our Cyber security spotlight, Fighting cyber with cyber, and Seizing opportunities to build business value.

Cyber Security


Our Enterprise Solutions professionals help clients across the enterprise systems life cycle, from evaluation through implementation and ongoing upgrades and improvement. Our team helps clients determine whether cloud solutions provide a viable alternative to enterprise applications, and if so, help them think through the integration to existing systems.

Learn more by reading our Enterprise Solutions spotlight (placeholder)

KPMG Partner Joe Moawad on The future of finance.

Enterprise Solutions


Our Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) Technology helps clients build a business case for technology enablement, identify solutions, perform pre- and post-deployment assessments, and provide lessons learned from the implementation. We help clients streamline the GRC process, eliminate manual efforts by leveraging the capabilities of GRC automation, and provide monitoring capabilities (dashboards, macro-level analysis) to achieve enterprise assurances. Clients gain technical support to manage the GRC process, saving management time, reducing the risk of errors, and strengthening governance practices.

Take a look at GRC Tech spotlight.

Governance, Risk & Compliance Technology


Our IT Audit & Assurance (ITAA) practice helps organizations satisfy third-party risk and compliance assurance requirements and demonstrate the integrity of their controls environment. Our globally accredited team provides reports on controls that are likely to be relevant to user organizations’ internal control over financial reporting; reports over security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy using Trust Services Principles; and agreed-upon procedures reports. We provide actionable insights to help organizations enhance their internal controls environment, reduce business operation interruptions resulting from multiple audits, and help companies provide transparent controls-related information to customers and other stakeholders.

See our ITA&A spotlight.

IT Audit & Assurance


Our Center of Excellence for Advanced Analytics drives Data & Analytics (D&A) at the world’s largest enterprises. Our portfolio of services focuses on solving our clients’ specific business needs or enabling them to develop their D&A capabilities.

If you are an experienced professional, learn about KPMG’s Lighthouse Center of Excellence for Advanced Analytics  (placeholder). If you are a new-hire candidate, read Data & Analytics, Empowering with information.

You can also check out:

Data & Analytics


Our Center of Excellence for Advanced Analytics drives Data & Analytics (D&A) at the world’s largest enterprises. Our portfolio of services focuses on solving our clients’ specific business needs or enabling them to develop their D&A capabilities.

If you are an experienced professional, learn about KPMG’s Lighthouse Center of Excellence for Advanced Analytics  (placeholder). If you are a new-hire candidate, read Data & Analytics, Empowering with information.

You can also check out:

Technology Enablement

If you have the technology background KPMG is seeking, visit our career sites KPMG Campus or KPMG US Careers to learn more and to apply.

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KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”) is a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis-à-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm.


KPMG, an equal opportunity employer/disability/veteran. KPMG maintains a drug-free workplace.


Employment with KPMG is "At Will," which means that employment may be terminated with or without cause and with or without notice at any time at the discretion of either KPMG or the employee.